Analysis of 3D Localization Performance Considering Earth’s Curvature Based on AOA 

Vol. 49,  No. 10, pp. 1410-1418, Oct.  2024

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This paper introduces an algorithm for detecting the location of objects in three-dimensional space and conducts a performance analysis through simulation. The detection of an object's location is a very important research field for civilian applications and military mission execution. With the advancement of modern science and technology, contemporary warfare is progressing in the aspect of electronic warfare (EW), utilizing electromagnetic waves, where detecting the enemy's location is utilized for strategizing our forces' operations and responses. Among various location detection algorithms, the algorithm using the angle of arrival (AOA) allows for the detection of the enemy's location by moving a single receiver and collecting arrival angles. Typically, when using AOA, aircraft are used to collect signals from multiple locations, which is widely used due to the ease of securing line of sight. The three-dimensional location detection algorithm, by combining azimuth and elevation angle information, goes beyond simply estimating location on a two-dimensional plane to acquiring altitude information as well. In a military environment, designing an algorithm that considers the curvature of the Earth is necessary for detecting threat objects hundreds of kilometers away. Therefore, this paper proposes a weighted latitude and longitude estimation algorithm by applying the existing two-dimensional location estimation algorithm, and then based on this algorithm, proposes a three-dimensional altitude detection algorithm.

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[IEEE Style]

H. J. Kim, S. Kwon, J. Y. Ryu, J. Park, J. Y. Kang, H. Kim, "Analysis of 3D Localization Performance Considering Earth’s Curvature Based on AOA," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 1410-1418, 2024. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2024.49.10.1410.

[ACM Style]

Ho Jae Kim, Soon-Young Kwon, Ji Yeon Ryu, Ji-Hun Park, Jee Yeon Kang, and Hyoung-Nam Kim. 2024. Analysis of 3D Localization Performance Considering Earth’s Curvature Based on AOA. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 49, 10, (2024), 1410-1418. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2024.49.10.1410.

[KICS Style]

Ho Jae Kim, Soon-Young Kwon, Ji Yeon Ryu, Ji-Hun Park, Jee Yeon Kang, Hyoung-Nam Kim, "Analysis of 3D Localization Performance Considering Earth’s Curvature Based on AOA," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 1410-1418, 10. 2024. (
Vol. 49, No. 10 Index