Zone-based Power Control Mechanism of CDMA Forward Link for High-speed Wireless Data Services 

Vol. 27,  No. 7, pp. 673-685, Jul.  2002

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In this paper, we analyze the pros and cons of the fast power control to the forward link in the environments where mixed traffics of voice and data produce the transmitted/received power difference. We propose the Zone-based power control scheme that can improve the performance of the fast power control scheme in the viewpoint of the resource allocation. The proposed scheme is a mechanism that controls both the power and rate of non-realtime data traffics according to location distribution of the mobile stations. The scheme is based on the conventional fast power control scheme in the CDMA systems, and it adaptively controls the transmission rate of each data traffic. Zone-based rate control of data call brings about somewhat power margin to the call. As a result, the proposed scheme saves the power consumption of portables and reduces the amount of interference. With the proposed scheme, not only be extended the service coverage of high-rate traffic to the entire cell service coverage, but also the QoS of low-rate traffic can keep going through the service time, especially, in the situation that the amount of incoming interference is much larger. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme yields a improved performance compared with the conventional scheme in terms of the power consumption and traffic throughput of portables, especially, with the increasing number of high-rate data traffics.

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[IEEE Style]

S. Yun and J. Lim, "Zone-based Power Control Mechanism of CDMA Forward Link for High-speed Wireless Data Services," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 673-685, 2002. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Sung-yun Yun and Jae-sung Lim. 2002. Zone-based Power Control Mechanism of CDMA Forward Link for High-speed Wireless Data Services. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 27, 7, (2002), 673-685. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Sung-yun Yun and Jae-sung Lim, "Zone-based Power Control Mechanism of CDMA Forward Link for High-speed Wireless Data Services," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 673-685, 7. 2002.