Tracking of Moving Object in MPEG Compressed Domain Using Mean-Shift Algorithm 

Vol. 29,  No. 8, pp. 1175-1183, Aug.  2004

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This paper propose a method to trace a moving object based on the information directly obtained from MPEG-2compressed video stream without decoding process in the proposed method, the motion flow is constructed from the motion vectors involved in compressed video and then we calculate the amount of pan, tilt, zoom associated with camera operations using generalized Hough transform the local object motion can be extracted from the motion flow after the compensation with the parameters related to the global camera motion The moving object is designated initially by a user via bounding box After then automatic tracking is performed based on the mean-shift algorithm of the motion flows of the object. The proposed method can improve the computation speed because the information is directly obtained from the MPEG-2 compressed video, but the object boundary is limited by blocks rather than pixels.

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[IEEE Style]

S. Park and J. Lee, "Tracking of Moving Object in MPEG Compressed Domain Using Mean-Shift Algorithm," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 1175-1183, 2004. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Seong-Mo Park and Joonwhoan Lee. 2004. Tracking of Moving Object in MPEG Compressed Domain Using Mean-Shift Algorithm. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 29, 8, (2004), 1175-1183. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Seong-Mo Park and Joonwhoan Lee, "Tracking of Moving Object in MPEG Compressed Domain Using Mean-Shift Algorithm," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 1175-1183, 8. 2004.