Hierarchical superframe formation algorithm in 802.15.3 network 

Vol. 29,  No. 10, pp. 849-856, Oct.  2004

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This paper proposes a novel superframe formation algorithm for wireless systems with time-slotted superframe structure. The design objective of the proposed algorithm is to provide high performance, stability, error tolerance, as well as power-saving features The paper presents a comprehensive performance analysis of the proposed superframe formation algorithm with different types of traffic applied During analysis several performance metncs are investigated, The error tolerance to beacon loss and the behavior of CBR flows are also studied We show that the proposed algorithm inherits the advantages of the previously used algorithms, while providing additional features

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[IEEE Style]

K. Youn, S. June, J. Lee, H. Lee, Y. Won, T. Kwon, A. Torok, L. Vajda, "Hierarchical superframe formation algorithm in 802.15.3 network," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 849-856, 2004. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Kyu-Jung Youn, Sun-Do June, Jang-Yeon Lee, Hyeon-Seok Lee, Yun-Jae Won, Tai-Gil Kwon, Attila Torok, and Lorant Vajda. 2004. Hierarchical superframe formation algorithm in 802.15.3 network. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 29, 10, (2004), 849-856. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Kyu-Jung Youn, Sun-Do June, Jang-Yeon Lee, Hyeon-Seok Lee, Yun-Jae Won, Tai-Gil Kwon, Attila Torok, Lorant Vajda, "Hierarchical superframe formation algorithm in 802.15.3 network," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 849-856, 10. 2004.