Adjacent Interference Analysis between M-WiMAX OFDMA/TDD and WCDMA FDD System in the 2.6 ㎓ Band : Part Ⅰ : Adjacent Interference Analysis in SISO System 

Vol. 32,  No. 6, pp. 573-587, Jun.  2007

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In this paper, we analyze the adjacent interference between WCDMA and M-WiMAX systemsin the 2.6㎓ Band under the SISO (Single Input Single Output) configuration. The interference scenarios are characterized into 8 scenarios with different victim and interfering links. Among the 8 scenarios, we find that the most performance loss is observed in the scenarios of victim uplink suffering interference from downlink in both systems. Besides, guard band is applied to mitigate the adjacent interference in all the scenarios. Especially, we reveal that M-WiMAX system is much more sensitive to adjacent interferencethan WCDMA system due to the lower transmission power. In this paper, we consider the worst interference environment, where interferers always transmit with the maximum power, a loose spectrum mask is adapted, and no additional channel filters are equipped in both systems.

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[IEEE Style]

S. Ko, Y. Wang, K. Chang, "Adjacent Interference Analysis between M-WiMAX OFDMA/TDD and WCDMA FDD System in the 2.6 ㎓ Band : Part Ⅰ : Adjacent Interference Analysis in SISO System," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 573-587, 2007. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

SangJun Ko, YuPeng Wang, and KyungHi Chang. 2007. Adjacent Interference Analysis between M-WiMAX OFDMA/TDD and WCDMA FDD System in the 2.6 ㎓ Band : Part Ⅰ : Adjacent Interference Analysis in SISO System. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 32, 6, (2007), 573-587. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

SangJun Ko, YuPeng Wang, KyungHi Chang, "Adjacent Interference Analysis between M-WiMAX OFDMA/TDD and WCDMA FDD System in the 2.6 ㎓ Band : Part Ⅰ : Adjacent Interference Analysis in SISO System," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 573-587, 6. 2007.