Study on the MIMO Channel Characteristics Considering Urban Canyon at the Microwave Bands 

Vol. 32,  No. 10, pp. 1065-1071, Oct.  2007

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In this paper, in order to research spectrum usage efficiency in urban canyon environment at the microwave band, measurement and channel capacity analysis of multi-antenna technology is described. The measurement data obtained from 3 - 4 stories building area used and the propagation characteristics at the 3.7 and 8㎓ band are analysed and compared. In case of 2×2 MIMO, channel capacities of 3.7 and 8 ㎓ band are calculated to 9.1 bps/㎐ and 5 bps/㎐ and in case of 4×4 MIMO, 21 bps/㎐ and 12.5 bps/㎐ respectively. Considering the coverage, SNR and channel capacity in urban environment, MIMO propagation characteristics of 3.7 ㎓ are more predominate than those of 8 ㎓.

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[IEEE Style]

J. Lim, S. Kwon, H. Moon, Y. Park, Y. Yoon, J. Yook, J. Jeong, J. Kim, "Study on the MIMO Channel Characteristics Considering Urban Canyon at the Microwave Bands," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 1065-1071, 2007. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Jae-Woo Lim, Se-Woong Kwon, Hyun-Wook Moon, Yoon-Hyun Park, Young-Joong Yoon, Jong-Gwan Yook, Jin-Soub Jeong, and Jong-Ho Kim. 2007. Study on the MIMO Channel Characteristics Considering Urban Canyon at the Microwave Bands. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 32, 10, (2007), 1065-1071. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Jae-Woo Lim, Se-Woong Kwon, Hyun-Wook Moon, Yoon-Hyun Park, Young-Joong Yoon, Jong-Gwan Yook, Jin-Soub Jeong, Jong-Ho Kim, "Study on the MIMO Channel Characteristics Considering Urban Canyon at the Microwave Bands," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 1065-1071, 10. 2007.