Bit Error Rate Improvement Scheme for Transmitted Reference UWB Systems 

Vol. 34,  No. 5, pp. 540-547, May  2009

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In this paper, we propose a transceiver structure that can effectively improve BER (Bit Error Rate) performance for TR-UWB (Transmitted Reference Ultra Wide Band) systems based on impulse radio. Unlike coherent UWB systems that are too complex for practical implementation while having good BER performances, the complexity of the TR-UWB systems is quite low since they transmit data with the corresponding reference signals and demodulate the data through correlation using these received signals. However, the BER performance in the conventional TR-UWB systems is affected by SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) of the reference templates used in the correlator. To this end, we propose a receiver structure that can effectively improve the BER performance by increasing the SNR of reference templates. Simulation results reveal that the proposed scheme achieves significant BER improvement as compared to the conventional TR-UWB systems.

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[IEEE Style]

J. Kim and Y. Shin, "Bit Error Rate Improvement Scheme for Transmitted Reference UWB Systems," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 540-547, 2009. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Jaewoon Kim and Yoan Shin. 2009. Bit Error Rate Improvement Scheme for Transmitted Reference UWB Systems. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 34, 5, (2009), 540-547. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Jaewoon Kim and Yoan Shin, "Bit Error Rate Improvement Scheme for Transmitted Reference UWB Systems," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 540-547, 5. 2009.