An Asynchronous UWB Positioning Scheme with Low Complexity and Low Power Consumption 

Vol. 34,  No. 11, pp. 1098-1105, Nov.  2009

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In this paper, we propose an asynchronous UWB (Ultra Wide Band) positioning scheme that can provide precise positioning performance with low complexity and low power consumption. We also present the residual test to improve the positioning performance in multipath channels having heavy NLoS (Non-Line of Sight) components. As compared to conventional ToA (Time of Arrival) positioning scheme that requires round-trip transmissions as many as the number of beacons, the proposed UWB positioning scheme effectively decrease power consumption and processing delay since a single round-trip transmission is only required. Also, as compared to conventional TDoA (Time Difference of Arrival) positioning scheme requiring precise synchronization among the beacons, asynchronous nature of the proposed scheme achieves very low system complexity. Through simulations in LoS (Line of Sight) channel models, we observe that the proposed scheme requires low system complexity, low power consumption, while providing positioning performance of almost the same accuracy as the conventional ToA and TDoA positioning schemes. In addition, the proposed scheme by employing the residual test achieves accurate positioning performance even in multipath channels having heavy NLoS components.

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[IEEE Style]

J. Kim, Y. Park, S. Lee, Y. Shin, "An Asynchronous UWB Positioning Scheme with Low Complexity and Low Power Consumption," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 1098-1105, 2009. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Jaewoon Kim, Youngjin Park, Soonwoo Lee, and Yoan Shin. 2009. An Asynchronous UWB Positioning Scheme with Low Complexity and Low Power Consumption. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 34, 11, (2009), 1098-1105. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Jaewoon Kim, Youngjin Park, Soonwoo Lee, Yoan Shin, "An Asynchronous UWB Positioning Scheme with Low Complexity and Low Power Consumption," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 1098-1105, 11. 2009.