Dual-mode Transmission Strategy for Blind Interference Alignment Scheme in MISO Broadcast Channels 

Vol. 38,  No. 12, pp. 1102-1109, Dec.  2013

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Blind interference alignment (BIA) scheme has demonstrated a way of interference alignment (IA) without channel state information at transmitter (CSIT). While it shows superior performance in high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime stemming from the maximal degrees of freedom (DoF) gain, BIA scheme achieves inferior sum-rate performance in low SNR regime. This paper proposes a dual-mode transmission strategy which switches between single user (SU) SISO with receive mode selection and the BIA scheme depending upon the range of SNR. First, we derive a closed-form achievable rate for each transmission-mode. Secondly, we propose a low-complex transmission-mode selection algorithm.

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[IEEE Style]

M. Yang, J. Jang, D. K. Kim, "Dual-mode Transmission Strategy for Blind Interference Alignment Scheme in MISO Broadcast Channels," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 1102-1109, 2013. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Minho Yang, Jinyoung Jang, and Dong Ku Kim. 2013. Dual-mode Transmission Strategy for Blind Interference Alignment Scheme in MISO Broadcast Channels. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 38, 12, (2013), 1102-1109. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Minho Yang, Jinyoung Jang, Dong Ku Kim, "Dual-mode Transmission Strategy for Blind Interference Alignment Scheme in MISO Broadcast Channels," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 1102-1109, 12. 2013.