Bio-Inspired Resource Allocation Scheme for Multi-Hop Networks 

Vol. 40,  No. 10, pp. 2035-2046, Oct.  2015

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Recently, researches on resource allocation algorithms operating in a distributed way are widely conducted because of the increasing number of network nodes and the rapidly changing the network environment. In this paper, we propose Multi-Hop DESYNC(MH DESYNC), that is bio-inspired TDMA-based resource allocation scheme operating in a distributed manner in multi-hop networks. In this paper, we define a frame structure for the proposed MH DESYNC algorithm and firing message structure which is a reference for resource allocation and propose the related operating procedures. We show that MH DSYNC can resolve the hidden-node problem effectively and verify that each node shares resources fairly among its neighboring nodes. Through simulation evaluations, it is shown that MH DESYNC algorithm works well in a multi-hop networks. Furthermore, results show that MH DESYNC algorithm achieves better performance than CSMA/CA algorithm in terms of throughput.

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[IEEE Style]

Y. Kim, J. Jung, H. Choi, M. Han, C. Park, J. Lee, "Bio-Inspired Resource Allocation Scheme for Multi-Hop Networks," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 2035-2046, 2015. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Young-Jae Kim, Ji-Young Jung, Hyun-Ho Choi, Myoung-Hun Han, Chan-Yi Park, and Jung-Ryun Lee. 2015. Bio-Inspired Resource Allocation Scheme for Multi-Hop Networks. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 40, 10, (2015), 2035-2046. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Young-Jae Kim, Ji-Young Jung, Hyun-Ho Choi, Myoung-Hun Han, Chan-Yi Park, Jung-Ryun Lee, "Bio-Inspired Resource Allocation Scheme for Multi-Hop Networks," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 2035-2046, 10. 2015.