Networked Airborne Relay-Based Positioning Scheme and Performance Enhancement Study Based on TDMA Networks 

Vol. 41,  No. 12, pp. 1824-1833, Dec.  2016

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In this paper, we propose networked airborne relay-based positioning scheme (N-ARPS) based on time division multiple access (TDMA) networks to improve the performance of relative navigation (RelNav). To integrate the ARPS into TDMA, there are three problems such as slot allocation, selection of airborne relays, and method for signal loss to be solved. A subframe of N-ARPS is designed to assign the slots for broadcast and relay of navigation signals consecutively to minimize the effect of mobility. The selection algorithm determines the optimum set of airborne relays by selecting evenly distributed nodes depending on their distances to the master station. Finally, we uses precise position location information (PPLI) messages, which are received in data transmission period, to estimate a user position when the navigation signals are missing. The simulation results indicate that N-ARPS significantly improves user accuracy over RelNav.

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[IEEE Style]

K. Lee, H. Noh, H. Park, J. Lim, "Networked Airborne Relay-Based Positioning Scheme and Performance Enhancement Study Based on TDMA Networks," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 1824-1833, 2016. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Kyuman Lee, Hongjun Noh, Hyungwon Park, and Jaesung Lim. 2016. Networked Airborne Relay-Based Positioning Scheme and Performance Enhancement Study Based on TDMA Networks. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 41, 12, (2016), 1824-1833. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Kyuman Lee, Hongjun Noh, Hyungwon Park, Jaesung Lim, "Networked Airborne Relay-Based Positioning Scheme and Performance Enhancement Study Based on TDMA Networks," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 1824-1833, 12. 2016.