Hand Gesture Recognition With Correlation Using MEMS Sensor 

Vol. 42,  No. 11, pp. 2139-2147, Nov.  2017

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This paper presents a hand gesture recognition method using MEMS(Micro-electromechanical system) sensor for wearable devices. Proposed method computes the Hamming distance between the acquired data and stored data contained in database. The one gesture with the smallest distance is recognized the performed gesture. The system adjusted two correlation-based schemes that are sliding correlation and inter-correlation The sliding correlation comparing formulation trends is suitable for simple action matching. And the other is used to classify the more diverse gestures which have complex features. In the Section 4 on this paper, we described the experimental environments and results for evaluating the performance of proposed method. Especially, we used the test platform that manufactured as similar with wearable devices. From the experimental results, proposed method which include two matching scheme is evaluated by the notable recognition rate, 97%.

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[IEEE Style]

I. Park, S. Lee, J. Ko, "Hand Gesture Recognition With Correlation Using MEMS Sensor," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 2139-2147, 2017. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2017.42.11.2139.

[ACM Style]

Inhye Park, Sang-yub Lee, and Jae-jin Ko. 2017. Hand Gesture Recognition With Correlation Using MEMS Sensor. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 42, 11, (2017), 2139-2147. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2017.42.11.2139.

[KICS Style]

Inhye Park, Sang-yub Lee, Jae-jin Ko, "Hand Gesture Recognition With Correlation Using MEMS Sensor," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 2139-2147, 11. 2017. (https://doi.org/10.7840/kics.2017.42.11.2139)