Performance Analysis of Target Localization according to the placement of Multiple-Receivers in Passive Bistatic Radar Systems 

Vol. 43,  No. 5, pp. 833-842, May  2018

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A passive bistatic radar system is an application field of radar that detects and estimates a target using commercial broadcasting signals. It does not require the installation of a transmitter and provides mobile receivers. Since the location of the receiver can be changed, it is expected that the detection performance of the target will vary depending on the arrangement of the receivers. In order to improve the detection performance of the target, it is necessary to arrange the receivers in the proper locations. A bistatic radar system usually estimates the location of a target using three transmitters and one receiver. However, in an environment using a single receiver, there arises a situation where location estimation can not be performed when a target is out of detection region of a transmitter or when any unexpected problem occurs in a receiver. In order to overcome this problem and to broaden the detection range, location estimation based on a multiple transmitter-multiple receiver has been conisdered. In this paper, we analyze the estimation performance of the location of the target according to the placement of the receiver in the multiple transmitter-multiple receiver using CEP (circular error probable) which is one of the measures of the estimated performance analysis. Through simulations, we present a receiver arrangement for improving the performance of position estimation through the placement of several receivers in a two-dimensional space.

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[IEEE Style]

H. J. Kim, G. Park, D. Kim, H. Kim, "Performance Analysis of Target Localization according to the placement of Multiple-Receivers in Passive Bistatic Radar Systems," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 833-842, 2018. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2018.43.5.833.

[ACM Style]

Ho Jae Kim, Geun-Ho Park, Dong-Gyu Kim, and Hyoung-Nam Kim. 2018. Performance Analysis of Target Localization according to the placement of Multiple-Receivers in Passive Bistatic Radar Systems. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 43, 5, (2018), 833-842. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2018.43.5.833.

[KICS Style]

Ho Jae Kim, Geun-Ho Park, Dong-Gyu Kim, Hyoung-Nam Kim, "Performance Analysis of Target Localization according to the placement of Multiple-Receivers in Passive Bistatic Radar Systems," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 833-842, 5. 2018. (