Channel Estimation Using Orthogonal Projected Forgetting Factor and LMF 

Vol. 43,  No. 6, pp. 1014-1019, Jun.  2018

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The least-mean fourth (LMF) algorithm is well known for its fast convergence and low steady-state error especially in non-Gaussian noise environments. Recently, there has been increasing interest in the LMS (least mean square) algorithms with an adjustable step size. It is because the adjustable step-size LMS algorithms have shown to outperform the conventional fixed step-size LMS in the various situations. In this paper, an adjustable step-size LMF algorithm is proposed, which utilizes an orthogonal projected forgettign factor, and simulation shows the superiority of the proposed algorithm in the time invariant and time variant channels.

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[IEEE Style]

J. Lim, Y. Pyeon, W. Hong, "Channel Estimation Using Orthogonal Projected Forgetting Factor and LMF," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 1014-1019, 2018. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2018.43.6.1014.

[ACM Style]

Jun-Seok Lim, Yong-Guk Pyeon, and Woo-Young Hong. 2018. Channel Estimation Using Orthogonal Projected Forgetting Factor and LMF. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 43, 6, (2018), 1014-1019. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2018.43.6.1014.

[KICS Style]

Jun-Seok Lim, Yong-Guk Pyeon, Woo-Young Hong, "Channel Estimation Using Orthogonal Projected Forgetting Factor and LMF," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 1014-1019, 6. 2018. (