Experimental Validation of Location-Aware Beam Alignment Using Beamforming Testbed 

Vol. 45,  No. 12, pp. 2177-2182, Dec.  2020

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In this paper, we validate the usefulness of location-aware based beam alignment in the two aspects of reduction of beam aligning time and improvement of beam aligning reliability through experiments using 13.8 GHz transmitter and receiver testbed. Transceivers which are used in the experiment consist of the uniform linear array antenna and analog beamformer boards. Baseband signal generation and reception are performed by universal software radio peripheral (USRP). Control of the beamformer boards and USRPs is performed via NI LabVIEW and C#-based application. Two testbeds collect the location information using commercial indoor positioning modules. The experiment results show that location-aware based beam alignment can reduce the aligning time by decreasing the number of beam candidates to be searched. Additionally, the number of beam aligning per unit time increases due to the reduced beam aligning time. We experimentally confirm that frequent beam aligning reflects a change of beam steering angle driven by movement of receiver more accurately.

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[IEEE Style]

J. Hong, H. Chung, Y. Park, S. Kim, "Experimental Validation of Location-Aware Beam Alignment Using Beamforming Testbed," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 2177-2182, 2020. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2020.45.12.2177.

[ACM Style]

Junyeol Hong, Hyeonjin Chung, Youngmi Park, and Sunwoo Kim. 2020. Experimental Validation of Location-Aware Beam Alignment Using Beamforming Testbed. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 45, 12, (2020), 2177-2182. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2020.45.12.2177.

[KICS Style]

Junyeol Hong, Hyeonjin Chung, Youngmi Park, Sunwoo Kim, "Experimental Validation of Location-Aware Beam Alignment Using Beamforming Testbed," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 2177-2182, 12. 2020. (https://doi.org/10.7840/kics.2020.45.12.2177)