Implementation of a W-Band Communication System Simulator for Performance Analysis 

Vol. 46,  No. 8, pp. 1332-1345, Aug.  2021

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In this paper, we implemented a simulator for performance analysis of W-band communication system. System parameters, channel and atmospheric environment, modulation and demodulation method, channel coding method, and antenna variables are simulated as input variables. The simulation results show BER and SNR performance through BER simulation and link-level simulation, and the transmission distance of the sending/receiving system. As a result of performing the simulation with the system parameters proposed by ITU-R, applying QPSK modulation and LDPC coding satisfies BER=10-6 even at a distance of 20km or more on a clear day. However, in an environment with precipitation of 20mm/hr, the transmission distance is reduced to 3.87km due to rainfall attenuation. In addition, since an antenna pattern with a narrow beamwidth is applied to obtain high gain, if a beam alignment error occurs, the transmission distance is rapidly reduced. The simulator proposed in this paper has the advantage of obtaining various results according to the setting value of the input parameter. Therefore, it will be useful for predicting the performance of the W-band communication system.

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[IEEE Style]

Y. Cho, K. Kim, S. Pyo, H. Jo, "Implementation of a W-Band Communication System Simulator for Performance Analysis," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 1332-1345, 2021. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2021.46.8.1332.

[ACM Style]

Yeongi Cho, Kichul Kim, Seongmin Pyo, and Han-Shin Jo. 2021. Implementation of a W-Band Communication System Simulator for Performance Analysis. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 46, 8, (2021), 1332-1345. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2021.46.8.1332.

[KICS Style]

Yeongi Cho, Kichul Kim, Seongmin Pyo, Han-Shin Jo, "Implementation of a W-Band Communication System Simulator for Performance Analysis," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 1332-1345, 8. 2021. (