User Link Design and Link Budget Analysis of Military Low Earth Orbit Satellite Communication System 

Vol. 48,  No. 5, pp. 607-611, May  2023

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In this study, we analyze the link budget for the user link of the low Earth orbit(LEO) satellite communication system required by the South Korean military in the future battlefield environment. Link budget parameters such as frequency planning and channel configuration are set in consideration of the operational concept of military LEO satellite communication and the characteristics of tactical communication. In this study, the transmission rate is set in various ways according to the terminal type, and the link budget analysis results are presented for each transmission rate. The downlink transmission rate is analyzed for each G/T representing the reception strength of the terminal antenna, and the uplink transmission rate is analyzed for each EIRP, which is the transmit power of the terminal antenna. Through this, the military can configure various terminals according to the operating concept of the LEO satellite communication system.

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[IEEE Style]

DongwooKim and DonghoSong, "User Link Design and Link Budget Analysis of Military Low Earth Orbit Satellite Communication System," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 607-611, 2023. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2023.48.5.607.

[ACM Style]

DongwooKim and DonghoSong. 2023. User Link Design and Link Budget Analysis of Military Low Earth Orbit Satellite Communication System. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 48, 5, (2023), 607-611. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2023.48.5.607.

[KICS Style]

DongwooKim and DonghoSong, "User Link Design and Link Budget Analysis of Military Low Earth Orbit Satellite Communication System," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 607-611, 5. 2023. (
Vol. 48, No. 5 Index