Cell Searching and DoA Estimation Methods for a Mobile Relay Station with a Uniform Circular Array 

Vol. 34,  No. 9, pp. 664-672, Sep.  2009

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In this paper, joint methods of cell searching and Direction-of-Arrival (DoA) estimation for a mobile relay station with a uniform circular array are proposed. The proposed joint estimation method for the mobile relay station is robust even when there exist symbol timing offsets between the signals received from adjacent base stations. Also, the proposed joint estimation method can reduce computational complexity and processing time, compared with the case where cell searching and DoA estimation are performed separately. Performances of the proposed method are evaluated by computer simulation under Mobile WiMAX environment.

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[IEEE Style]

Y. H. Ko, Y. J. Kim, H. I. Yoo, Y. S. Cho, "Cell Searching and DoA Estimation Methods for a Mobile Relay Station with a Uniform Circular Array," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 664-672, 2009. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Yo Han Ko, Yeong Jun Kim, Hyun Il Yoo, and Yong Soo Cho. 2009. Cell Searching and DoA Estimation Methods for a Mobile Relay Station with a Uniform Circular Array. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 34, 9, (2009), 664-672. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Yo Han Ko, Yeong Jun Kim, Hyun Il Yoo, Yong Soo Cho, "Cell Searching and DoA Estimation Methods for a Mobile Relay Station with a Uniform Circular Array," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 664-672, 9. 2009.