Adaptive Power Control Dynamic Range Algorithm in WCDMA Downlink Systems 

Vol. 29,  No. 8, pp. 918-927, Aug.  2004

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WCDMA system is 3rd generation wireless mobile system speeified by 3GPP In WCAMA downlink, two power control schemes are opereted One is inner loop control operated in every slot Another os outer loop power control based on one framc time. Base staion (BS) can estimate proper transmission power by these two control schemes However, because each MS`s fransmission power makes a severe effcct on BS`s cannot give excessive transmission power to the specifie user 3GPP defined power Control Dynamic Rabge (PCDR) TO guarantee proper BS`s performance in this paper, we propose Adaptive PCDR algorithm By Range (PCDR) to guarantee proper BS`s performance In thie paper, we propose Adaptive PCDR algrithm by PCDR algorithm, Radio Nerwork Controller (RNC) can estimate cach MS`s current state using recerved signal to onterference (SLR) APCDR algorithm changes MS`s maximum code channel power based on framc By proposed scheme, each MS can reduce wireges MS`s msximum code channel power based on framc By proposed scheme, each MS can reduce wireless channal effect and endure outages ib call edge Therefore, each MS can obtain better QoS Simulation rasult indicate that APCDR algrithm show more attractive output than fixed PCDR algrithm.

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[IEEE Style]

S. Jung, H. Park, J. Lim, "Adaptive Power Control Dynamic Range Algorithm in WCDMA Downlink Systems," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 918-927, 2004. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Soo-sung Jung, Hyung-won Park, and Jae-sung Lim. 2004. Adaptive Power Control Dynamic Range Algorithm in WCDMA Downlink Systems. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 29, 8, (2004), 918-927. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Soo-sung Jung, Hyung-won Park, Jae-sung Lim, "Adaptive Power Control Dynamic Range Algorithm in WCDMA Downlink Systems," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 918-927, 8. 2004.