Design and Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad-Hoc Network System based on IEEE 802.16j MMR 

Vol. 37,  No. 9, pp. 723-733, Sep.  2012

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In wireless ad hoc networks, packet loss and latency are frequently occurred by movement of node. As the number of transmission hops increases in these networks, the throughput is increasingly deteriorated. In this paper, we design the wireless ad hoc network system based on IEEE 802.16j MMR (Mobile Multi-hop Relay), which improves the network performance. Our wireless ad hoc network system used adaptively the nearest BS and Farthest BS scheduling algorithms for efficient data transmission and chose the optimal path that minimize data loss and latency. In order to evaluate performance of the wireless ad hoc network system based on IEEE 802.16j MMR, we used the LWX (Light Wimax) model of NS-2 simulator. Through the simulation, we analyzed the network performance for various scenarios.

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[IEEE Style]

K. Ju and K. Chung, "Design and Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad-Hoc Network System based on IEEE 802.16j MMR," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 723-733, 2012. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Kwangsung Ju and Kwangsue Chung. 2012. Design and Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad-Hoc Network System based on IEEE 802.16j MMR. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 37, 9, (2012), 723-733. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Kwangsung Ju and Kwangsue Chung, "Design and Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad-Hoc Network System based on IEEE 802.16j MMR," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 723-733, 9. 2012.