Supporting Service Continuity in Ubiquitous Network Environment with IMS Extension 

Vol. 37,  No. 12, pp. 1148-1159, Dec.  2012

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It is of great significance in the NGN - which supports a ubiquitous network environment in which users can use multiple devices and all the devices are connected to networks - to support the terminal mobility as well as service continuity. The IMS architecture, which is considered as session control layer in the NGN, exists to support a wide range of advanced new services in addition to the traditional voice and data connectivity offerings of “old” telecommunications. The recent IMS specification also defines IUT (Inter UE Session Transfer) functionality in order to support service continuity in the NGN. However, service continuity in IMS has a limitation that two terminals involved in session transfer should belong to the same user. In this paper, we proposed a new device discovery mechanism for IMS and extended UEs with a few capabilities to overcome some of IMS’s limitations. We also analysed how much overhead of the proposed method in terms of signaling cost will be.

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[IEEE Style]

J. Yim, H. Bae, S. Kim, "Supporting Service Continuity in Ubiquitous Network Environment with IMS Extension," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 1148-1159, 2012. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Jong-choul Yim, Hyun-joo Bae, and Sang-ha Kim. 2012. Supporting Service Continuity in Ubiquitous Network Environment with IMS Extension. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 37, 12, (2012), 1148-1159. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Jong-choul Yim, Hyun-joo Bae, Sang-ha Kim, "Supporting Service Continuity in Ubiquitous Network Environment with IMS Extension," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 1148-1159, 12. 2012.